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Political Activism for HSP's

I thought a lot about whether I would attend the Women's March on Boston on Saturday, January 21, 2017. Honestly, I'm a little afraid to admit I was initially very hesitant. For many, going wasn't even optional. But being highly sensitive, I really had to think carefully about if it would work for me to be there. In general, after several hours hanging out with 175,000 of my best friends in Boston I would be a puddle of raw nerves. And, for some it would be the right decision to sit it out or be in support in some other way such as offering rides, making hats and signs or having dinner ready for weary marchers.

I did go and I was surprised to find that not only was I not a puddle of raw nerves, but perhaps because of my sensitivity I found myself buoyed by the positive, loving energy of the crowd. People came out because they believe in kindness and compassion, especially for groups of people who are usually marginalized. This was a group of highly evolved, generous and conscientious people...all concentrated in a relatively small area of Boston.

Along with that, I was with dear friends (my husband too) who are people I can feel good around. Additionally, my good friends and husband know I'm highly sensitive and respect my need to take care of myself. My friends were the icing on the cake. I couldn't predict the energy of the crowd - I was expecting more anger and outrage and thought I'd need to shield myself more. But really, people were so kind. It was a much bigger crowd than initially anticipated by the planners so people were literally tripping over each other. I heard lots of "excuse me", "please", "no worries", etc. Everyone was patient and kind and having my little group made it all the better.

I find myself struggling with waves of anger when I see the nonsense going on under the new administration. Focusing on the evil, I find myself drowning in the abyss. Focusing on all the good people out there in our country and around the world who are standing up for justice, I feel stronger. I'm taking care where I put my attention these days. I can imagine most HSP's are finding these times especially challenging and hope that we are gaining strength from the positive forces out there. While too much political activism might be draining, I also am finding that doing something that contributes to building bridges and fixing what is broken can make me feel empowered and not so helpless.




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