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Favorite Places to Recharge as an HSP

I am an introverted HSP with my own unique history and perspective and want to make sure you know I'm aware I don't speak for all HSP's. All I can share is my own experience.

So, where do I recharge, you ask? The quickest, cheapest and easiest is meditating in my own bedroom, which truly is my sanctuary. I don't give this gift to myself often enough. Yet, when I do, I'm always left wondering why I don't do it more often. Even a 5 minute meditation can make a huge impact. I can actually feel the buzz draining out of my body, which is a relief, and a peaceful calm washing over me. I love meditation apps. My favorite is Omvana. One meditation called "Bodyscan" by Loveuryoga is 11 minutes long and so great for hectic days. I really think it's very important to have one room in your home that is a sanctuary to retreat to.

Being near a body of water such as a lake or ocean is another great place for me to recharge. I live walking distance to a lake and often enjoy walking my dog near it. Something about seeing the water and hearing the sounds of the creatures that live near it soothes my soul. When I'm able, I love to get to the ocean. My husband and I go to Rockland, ME from time to time and I love that it's a quiet little place with a handful of boutiques and places to eat. There are other towns near it that I find cluttered, too populated during prime vacation season and too noisy. Rockland is just the right pace for me.

Walking around my neighborhood also recharges me. It has a meditative quality and I can feel the mental chatter slowing down when I walk. In fact, for a while I had a hard time meditating while sitting or lying still so I walked and that became my replacement for meditation. I enjoy seeing peoples' gardens and listening to the birds and watching the squirrels chase each other around the trees. Riding my bike on a local bike path can be a great way to unwind and leave stimulation behind. Jobs with repetitive tasks can be good too as there's an extremely high level of predictability and I can just zone out while doing them and still feel good about accomplishing something.

Bookstores and libraries are definitely my happy place. When I was a little girl I declared that when I grew up I was going to live in a library and eat Fettuccine Alfredo every day. I've had to make some compromises but I make sure to always have books around me and, well the pasta is another subject for another day. My kitchen is another recharging sanctuary for me - I love to cook! Creating delicious, healthy meals is one of my favorite things to do. As another creative outlet, the art studio at my son's school is open to parents on Tuesdays and I really enjoy getting in there and getting my hands into clay or some other creative project. The only challenge sometimes is making sure I'm ready for social stimulation and taking care of myself around that.

I'd love to hear your favorite places to recharge as well as any questions you might have about this topic in general.




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