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Parenting While HSP

I'll start this post with an apology for my infrequent, inconsistent posts of late. This summer I was flying along with 2 posts per week. I was getting a lot of positive responses and also the feedback that my posts could be a little bit longer and more in depth. I had decided to lengthen my posts and only post once a week. Then all hell broke loose.

School started for my tween rebel with and without a cause. We thought we had a good plan worked out to help him with his needs, however we adults made the mistake of not consulting the young man, who hated the plan. Things are still very much up in the air with school, etc. I will also respect his privacy by not going into the details but suffice it to say he's not very happy and so his parents aren't either.

Then my grandmother passed away and there was (of course) family drama. She was 97 years old and had had a long, full life. While it was sad, it was most definitely her time. Fortunately the family drama was kept to a minimum with some members opting out of attending the funeral, a big relief to those who were there.

For this HSP mama, the collision of these events and then all the drama around this year's presidential election, sleep has been a fleeting thing. Between doing some comfort eating and not increasing my meditations, my nervous system has been like frayed wires sparking intermittently and unpredictably. I am often awake in the middle of the night ruminating about the things over which I have no control. My usual tricks are not working so well.

I wish I had answers but I am very much in the thick of things with all that is going on. This week I will commit to:

1. Not checking Facebook more than once per day for no more than 5 minutes

2. Meditating twice daily for a minimum of 10 minutes each time

3. Eating foods Monday - Friday that I know won't lead to me being awake during the night

4. Following up this post not more than 7 days from now to report in the results

I'd love to hear from other HSP folks and how you are handling worries and concerns about life events over which you have no control. What are you doing to "Keep Calm and Carry On"?



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